Roberto Rodriguez
'Blauwe kusje'
1The Netherlands has a long tradition of cultural acceptance and peaceful coexistence. Rotterdam is home to more than 180 nationalities; all enriching the cultural fabric of a society that, more and more, resembles the world to come. This piece, blue paint on white tiles, is a wink to Delftware and to the merchants and sailors who helped make it a staple of Dutch imagery around the world. Essentially, brought down to the individual level, it also represents two different views of life, expressing their love for each other in a land that doesn't judge.
- Jaar: 2017
- Techniek: Acrylic paint on ceramic tiles
- Hoogte: 45cm
- Breedte: 45cm
- Geschatte waarde / galerieprijs: € 750,-
- Oplage: 1